
Posted by on Oct 29, 2011 in Library | Comments Off on Bibliography

Bibliography of Suggested Readings

By Robert Aitken, Rōshi

Encouraging Words: A collection of talks and essays offered by Aitken Rōshi to his students at meditation retreats “sesshin”. These concise transcriptions are clear windows into Zen practice, covering topics such as attention, emptiness, diligence, death and the moral path.

Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics: Addresses issues of appropriate personal and social action through an exploration of the philosophical complexities of Zen ethics.

Morning Star: Includes some previously published material as well as new essays and an introduction presenting Zen Practice from both personal and historical viewpoints. The collection includes sections on “Basics,” and commentaries on Zen kōans in addition to more pointed reflections on modern life and letters.

Taking the Path of Zen: First published in 1982 and now available in a new edition, this complete and well-rounded primer of Zen practice can both help beginners get their practice off the ground, and be a reminder to old timers. Aitken Rōshi included his informative, autobiographical essay “Willy Nill Zen” as an epilogue.

By Charlotte Joko Beck

Everyday Zen: Love and Work: Essays on how we can be awake in our daily life. How to use Zen to deal with the problems of daily living — love, relationships, fear, ambition and suffering — showing how to live each moment to the fullest.

By Nelson Foster, editor

The Roaring Stream: Gary Snyder found this compilation to be a “finely drawn collection of lively basic texts (that) is marvelously enhanced by an introduction and commentaries that help humanize and ground the Zen tradition.”

By Red Pine (Bill Porter)

The Heart Sutra: An enlightening and enriching unpacking of one of the most central sutras of Buddhism.

By D.T. Suzuki

Essays in Zen Buddhism: First Series: Classic, but somewhat dated, essays on Zen by scholar, multi-linguist, translator and author Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966), who was instrumental in introducing Zen to North America and Europe. initially published in thee volumes, only the first series is in print at this time.

By Shunryu Suzuki

Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: These short and pithy lectures on the Sandokai (The Coincidence of Opposites, The Identity of Relative and Absolute) by the much loved and revered Shunryu Suzuki are some of the last talks he gave.

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Excerpts from his lectures. Topics range over the transience of the world, sudden enlightenment, and the nuts and bolts of meditation, but always returning to the idea of beginner’s mind — a recognition that our original nature is our true nature.

By Thich Nhat Hahn

The Miracle of Mindfulness: Gentle anecdotes and practical exercises to help learn the skills of mindfulness. Constant reminders that we can find and create peace both within and without in each moment.