Talks from 7-Day Intensive (September 9-16, 2023)
Beginning Anew A talk be Lee Shields The permeability of our skin – the whole of our training is for the development of compassion talk by Lee Shields (Text available to members and participants by email request to The koan of groups – Don’t think good don’t think evil A talk be Lee Shields (Text available to members and participants by email request to Be yourself A talk by Madelon Bolling Always...
Read MoreSesshin with Lee Shields, In Person and Zoom, September 9-16, 2023
Three Treasures Sangha typically holds two, seven-day sesshin each year. Non-Residential Sesshin with Lee Shields, In Person and Zoom, September 9-16, 2023 These retreats are rigorous and quite demanding, consisting of about 10 hours of zazen (sitting meditation) per day. They are silent except for the teacher’s daily teisho (dharma talk), and for dokusan (practice-related interview with the teacher). Part time attendance is welcome. To learn more about the retreat, visit the Sesshin page.
Read MoreOn Dealing With “Self” When There Is No Such Thing – A Talk by Madelon Bolling (June 11, 2023)
A monk asked, “How should one act during every hour of the day such that the ancestors are not betrayed?” Yunmen said, “Give up your effort.” The monk said, “How should I give up my effort?” Yunmen said, “Give up the words you just uttered.” (Ferguson, p. 287) Today I want to explore a little more about living and working with thoughts. Thinking is a defining feature of our life, and one that’s often experienced by Zen students as the bane of our existence. In the presence of these thoughts, then, “How should one act during...
Read More(Trust) – a Talk by Madelon Bolling
Raven took his perch on the Assembly Oak and addressed a special meeting of the Tallspruce community, saying, “It’s time for me to be to moving on.” [snip] A hush fell over the circle. Grouse could be heard sniffling. At last, Porcupine asked, “Do you have any last words for us?” Raven said, “Trust.” (Aitken, Zen Master Raven. p.201) How is it that trust would be the last word, the encompassing summary of Zen master Raven’s life work, his legacy to the sangha? Life is puzzling: unsatisfactory, painful. Sometimes we glimpse something just out of sight—a notion comes up that there is more to...
Read MoreZenkai (December 11, 2022) with Lee Shields and Madelon Bolling – In Person and Zoom
Three Treasures Sangha will hold this event in-person at our Dharma Gate facility and live by Zoom. Registration information (for in-person) and current Covid-19 Guidelines are posted below the schedule. Guidelines are likely to change before the event, so check again as the date gets closer. Rather than teisho or dharma talk for this day, we will Zoom into the Mountain Lamp ceremony in which Jack will give Carlos Abusaid dharma transmission as an apprentice teacher in the Diamond Sangha lineage. If you are able, please join all or part of this opportunity for intensive practice with others....
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