Dharma Gate Work Retreat, March 29-30, 2025
Our annual 2-day work retreat at DG is our time to spruce up the Center after a long winter. A great deal of the work will be outside but there are a few things indoors that need attention. So if you have time to join us for the day(s), or any part thereof, we welcome you! It can be fun to dig mindfully in the dirt, visit with old friends, and make new ones. Guidance and food will be provided. Schedule 8:00AM Dharma Gate Open with Coffee, Tea and Snacks 8:30 – 9:00 Sitting Meditation 9:00- 9:30 Stretching, Change clothes, orientation to jobs 9:30 Contemplation on gardening as...
Read MoreTalks from Twining Branches Sesshin, March 2025
Crack! Stone on Bamboo Pai-chang’s Fox He Just Acted as He Was
Read MoreZenkai (April 13, 2025) with Lee – In Person and Zoom
Three Treasures Sangha will hold this event in-person at our Dharma Gate facility and live by Zoom. Registration information (for in-person) and current Covid-19 Guidelines are posted below the schedule. Guidelines are likely to change before the event, so check again as the date gets closer. If you are able, please join all or part of this opportunity for intensive practice with others. Zoom Link: Send email to ttssangha@gmail.com. If this will be your first event with TTS, we will arrange for an orientation prior...
Read MorePai-chang’s Fox — A talk by Leland Shields — March 2025
Case 2 in the Gateless Barrier: Once when Pai-chang gave a series of talks, a certain old man was always there listening together with the monks. When they left, he would leave too. One day, however, he remained behind. Pai-chang asked him, “Who are you, standing here before me?” The old man replied, “I am not a human being. In the far distant past, in the time of Kāśyapa Buddha, I was head priest at this mountain. One day a monk asked me, ‘Does an enlightened person fall under the law of cause and effect or not?’ I replied, ‘Such a person does not fall under the law of cause and effect.’...
Read MoreCrack! Stone on Bamboo — a talk by Leland Shields — March 2025
Xiangyan’s Great Enlightenment Zen master Zhixian of Mount Xiangyan [Xideng] was bright in nature. Being at the assembly of Guishan, he was well learned and had extensive memory. Guishan one day said to Xiangyan, “Everything you say is what you’ve memorized from commentaries. Now I am going to ask you a question. When you were an infant—before you could even distinguish east from west—at that time, how was it?” Xiangyan spoke and presented his understanding, explaining the principle, but could not get approval. He went through the texts he had collected and studied, but he could not find an...
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