April 12th Zen Retreat: Practicing Zen Koans in Relationship

Posted by on Apr 9, 2015 in Meditation Retreat, Practice Opportunity | Comments Off on April 12th Zen Retreat: Practicing Zen Koans in Relationship


On April 12, 2015, Three Treasures Sangha is hosting a day-long retreat (zazenkai) with Lee Shields. During the retreat, Lee will focus on practicing Zen koans in relationship.

In his talk, Lee will show how two koans apply to how we can relate to the everyday here and now. You’ll see how every interaction is a koan story, a chance to recognize that there is no separation of self and other, and a chance to offer a genuine response in our encounters.








9:00am Opening, Five Remembrances, Zazen

9:35am Zazen: Offering of selected lines of two koans

10:30am Dhama talk: Zen Koans in Relationship

11:30am Zazen

12:30pm Informal lunch (Please bring food to share.)

1:30pm Sutras

2:00pm Zazen, Interviews

2:50pm Closing, Great Vows