Three Treasures Sangha will hold this event in-person at our Dharma Gate facility and live by Zoom. Registration information (for in-person) and current Covid-19 Guidelines are posted below the schedule.
If you are able, please join all or part of this opportunity for intensive practice with others.
Zoom Link: Send email to If this will be your first event with TTS, we will arrange for an orientation prior to the event.
8:15 Samu – cleaning, work period
8:55 Gathering on Zoom, be seated
9:00 (5 Remembrances), Zazen, Kinhin
10:10 Teisho, dharma talk
10: 45 Zazen, kinhin, dokusan/interviews
12:00 Prepare for lunch
12:10 Opening meal gatha
12:25 Closing meal gatha, informal discussion
12:50 Clean up, break
1:10 Be seated
1:15 Sutras
1:45 Zazen, kinhin, interviews/dokusan
2:50 Four Infinite Vows
3:00 Closing remarks
Guidelines for In-Person Attendance
Although Covid is still around, it has more or less reached endemic levels. In order to improve the audio for those on Zoom, the TTS Board has decided we will no longer use the air filters in the dojo.
To keep all of us in the dojo as safe as possible, we ask those having symptoms of cold, flu, or Covid to join by Zoom rather than in person.
We encourage those attending in-person to be up to date on vaccines and to feel free to wear a face covering to reduce any risk of air-borne pathogen.
Event Registration
Contact Madelon for registration –, (206) 395-5226
Attendees who have not pre-registered can try and drop in the day of the Zenkai with the understanding that, if full, you may not be able to sit in the dojo.
For those who wish to offer dana (donation) to TTS: