Beyond Intention – a Talk by Leland Shields
Beyond intention Leland Shields, September 13, 2022 Turn around the light to shine within, then just return. The vast inconceivable source can’t be faced or turned away from. Meet the ancestral teachers, be familiar with their instruction, bind grasses to build a hut, and don’t give up. Let go of hundreds of years and relax completely. Open your hands and walk, innocent. Thousands of words, myriad interpretations, are only to free you from obstructions. If you want to know the undying person in the hut, don’t separate from this skin bag here and now. Attributed to Shih-T’ou...
Read MoreSesshin, Distractions, and Turning Away – A Talk by Leland Shields
Sesshin, Distractions, and Turning Away Leland Shields, September 12, 2022 Driven to find how to live in this world of sickness and inescapable loss, Siddhartha spent years searching in all ways available among the teachers and seekers of his time. He remained unsatisfied after years of effort, with great will, and with belief that spiritual sustenance was possible while denying the body to the point of emaciation. He sat until strength failed him. A woman taking milk to market saw Siddhartha and made a compassionate offering of milk. Realizing that weakening the body hindered his way on the...
Read MoreEvery Moment Zen – A Talk by Leland Shields
Every Moment Zen Leland Shields, Intensive Day 1, September 11, 2022 The sounds of the valley streams are his long, broad tongue; The forms of the mountains are his pure body. At night I heard the myriad sutra verses uttered How can I relate to others what they say? Dogen, Eihei; (translation) Cook, Francis Dojun. How to Raise an Ox: Zen Practice as Taught in Master Dogen’s Shobogenzo (pp. 69-70). Wisdom Publications. Kindle Edition. As we begin a week of retreat, I’d like to emphasize every-moment Zen; reminding us all to attend to that which is here, with the simplest presence. Our...
Read MoreThe Most Important Place – A Talk by Madelon Bolling
A monk asked, “How should one act during every moment of every day such that the ancestors are not betrayed?” Yunmen said, “Give up your effort.” The monk said, “How should I give up my effort?” Yunmen said, “Give up the words you just uttered.” Here we are, gathered together on this new day, beginning once more to investigate the great matter. Beginning is often an exciting situation with a view to the future: an expectation of growth and accomplishment, a gradual gathering of skill, reputation and knowledge, knowing how, so a person can eventually finish or get or achieve something, reach...
Read MoreApril 7-day intensive retreat talks
April 7-day intensive retreat talks by Leland Shields and Madelon Bolling on the writings of Dogen: Day 1: Leland Shields, Every Moment Zen Day 2: Leland Shields, No Self – No Separation Day 3: Leland Shields, No Self – Embodied Self Day 4: Madelon Bolling, No Self – Resistance and the Mind of War Day 5: Leland Shields, Attention to the Myriad Dharmas Day 6: Leland Shields, The Moon Brings Forth Two
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