Left to right, Madelon, Lee
Talks from Twining Branches Sesshin, March 2025
Crack! Stone on Bamboo Pai-chang’s Fox He Just Acted as He Was
read morePai-chang’s Fox — A talk by Leland Shields — March 2025
Case 2 in the Gateless Barrier: Once when Pai-chang gave a series of talks, a certain old man was always there listening together with the monks. When they left, he would leave too. One day, however, he remained behind. Pai-chang asked him, “Who are you, standing here before me?” The old man replied, “I am not a human being. In the far distant past, in the time of Kāśyapa Buddha, I was head priest at this mountain. One day a monk asked me, ‘Does an enlightened person fall under the law of cause and effect or not?’ I replied, ‘Such a person...
read moreCrack! Stone on Bamboo — a talk by Leland Shields — March 2025
Xiangyan’s Great Enlightenment Zen master Zhixian of Mount Xiangyan [Xideng] was bright in nature. Being at the assembly of Guishan, he was well learned and had extensive memory. Guishan one day said to Xiangyan, “Everything you say is what you’ve memorized from commentaries. Now I am going to ask you a question. When you were an infant—before you could even distinguish east from west—at that time, how was it?” Xiangyan spoke and presented his understanding, explaining the principle, but could not get approval. He went through the texts he...
read moreHe Just Acted as He Was — a Talk by Leland Shields (January 12, 2025)
One day a monk asked Master [Qingyuan Xingsi ]: “What was Master Bodhidharma’s intention in coming to China from India?” [Qingyuan ] said: “He just acted as he was.” The monk said: “Would you tell me again what you just said right now in words that I can understand?” [Qingyuan ] said: “Come here!” The monk approached his master. [Qingyuan ] said: “Remember this clearly!” Gudo Wafu Nishijima , Master Dogen’s Shinji Shobogenzo; 301 Koan Stories, p. 17. This story is taken from Dogen’s Shinji Shobogenzo; 301 Koan Stories. Dogen compiled this...
read moreObserving — A Talk By Madelon Bolling — November 10, 2024
Daowu’s Condolence: Case 55 of the Blue Cliff Record Daowu and Jianyuan went to a house to pay condolences. Yuan rapped on the coffin and asked, “Living or dead?” Daowu said, “Living I won’t say. Dead I won’t say.” Jianyuan said, “Why won’t you say?” Daowu said, “Won’t say! Won’t say!” During their return trip, Jianyuan said, “Hoshang, please tell me right away. If you don’t, I’ll hit you.” Daowu said, “You may hit me if you like,...
read moreLiving or Dead – A talk by Lee Shields — October 13, 2024
I gave this talk a year ago or so – it was my way to say something about the contagious, contemptuous divisiveness at that time. Among other divisions, it was soon after Hamas brutally attacked Israelis, and the Israeli government brutally responded. Since last year it seems only easier to do something or say something to engender death threats. Is there another way? Case 55: Daowu’s Condolence Daowu and Jianyuan went to a house to pay condolences. Yuan tapped on the coffin and asked, “Living or Dead?” Daowu said,...
read moreTalks from the September, 2024 Sesshin
…Where There’s Nothing of Value, Lee Shields Pilgrimage: Tung-shan’s Sixty Blows, Lee Shields What was the purpose of Bodhidharma coming from the West, Lee Shields Being Human, Madelon Bolling The Iron Grindstone, Lee Shields Xuefengs Turtle Nose Snake, Lee Shields
read moreThe Iron Grindstone – a talk by Lee Shields, September 12, 2024
Iron Grindstone [Liu] went to [Guishan]. [Guishan] said, “Old cow, you’ve come!” She said, “Tomorrow there’s a great communal feast on Mount Tai —are you going?” [Guishan]lay down. Iron Grindstone Liu then left. Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record, Case 24, p 74. There is an elegance to the concise koans of our tradition like this one. It may sound enigmatic or mysterious, but that’s not what’s intended. In commentary for this case, Hakuin wrote this: This is a meeting of adepts, in which there are no more views of Buddha or opinions of Dharma....
read more…Where There’s Nothing of Value – a talk by Lee Shields, September 8, 2024
I built a grass hut where there’s nothing of value. After eating, I relax and enjoy a nap. When it was completed, fresh weeds appeared. Now it’s been lived in — covered by weeds. Attributed to Shih-T’ou Hsi-ch’ien [Shitou Xiqian], 700-790. Translation and copyright by Taigen Dan Leighton, Cultivating the Empty Field: The Silent Illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi, 1987) This reading was taken from “Song of the Grass Roof Hermitage” written in eighth century China by Shih-T’ou Hsi-ch’ien. It is applicable to us here at Dharma...
read morePilgrimage – Tung-shan’s Sixty Blows – A talk by Lee Shields, September 9, 2024
Gateless Barrier Case 15 Tung-shan’s Sixty Blows Tung-shan came to see Yün-men. Yün-men asked him, “Where were you most recently?” Tung-shan said, “At Ch’a-tu.” Yün-men said, “Where were you during the summer?” Tung-shan said, “At Pao-tzu Monastery in Hu-nan.” Yün-men said, “When did you leave there?” Tung-shan said, “August 25th.” Yün-men said, “I spare you sixty blows.” Next day, Tung-shan came again and said, “Yesterday you said you spared me sixty blows. I don’t know where I was at fault.” Yün-men said, “You rice bag! Do you go about in...
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