Three Treasures Sangha typically holds two, seven-day sesshin each year.
- Residential Sesshin with Lee Shields, September 13-20, 2025
Apply Online or Download Application Form
These retreats are rigorous and quite demanding, consisting of about 10 hours of zazen (sitting meditation) per day. They are silent except for the teacher’s daily teisho (dharma talk), and for dokusan (practice-related interview with the teacher). Online and part time attendance are welcome.
If you would like more information, or have no prior sesshin experience, feel free to contact us (, 206-395-5226 to learn more..
Shorter zazenkais are held at Dharma Gate throughout the year to balance the longer and more strenuous spring and fall sesshins. See our Calendar for more information.
Sesshin General Schedule:
Saturday, September 13
6:45pm-9:00pm instructions, zazen
6:30-8:15am personal zazen at home (no timekeeper)
8:15am work period (home or at Dharma Gate)
8:45am-12:30pm zazen, sutras, dokusan, interviews
12:30-12:55pm lunch
2:25-5:10pm zazen, teisho, dokusan, interviews
end of formal practice for the day
7:30-9:00pm personal zazen at home (no timekeeper)
Saturday, September 20
6:30-8:15am personal zazen at home
8:15am work period (home or at Dharma Gate)
8:45am-12:00pm zazen, sutras, dokusan, interviews
closing ceremony